Communion Class
Communion Class
Many Christian denominations have age restrictions to receive Holy Communion, but here at Joy Reigns there are no restrictions. God’s table is open to all. Just like God’s grace is open to all , no restrictions.
Usually as young as a baby or toddler, children recognize that something is happening in the community during the distribution of Holy Communion that they want to be part of. They will reach for the bread or notice their parent drinking the wine or grape juice. That means they are ready! Children often learn through tactile ways, making touching and tasting the communion elements a great way to learn about God’s love.
Classes are offered periodically throughout the year to help those interested to learn about communion in age appropriate ways.
Three typical times for learning opportunities are a class for parents and children around the age of 6-8. Again in Confirmation ages 12-14 youth are taught a deeper understanding. And every few years a class is offered to adults and anyone in the congregation who wants to go even deeper into understanding communion.